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  • Joseph Worthington

Cult of Corruption: Ztunyr Worship

The corruption and the notion of dark beings who exhibit it, are a reoccurring theme throughout Valtiel’s major religions. It’s seen in the Ancestors faith with the chaotic gods, Mir and Piluit, for example. Within the Twelve Divines faith, it is at the epicenter of the cosmology – the gods of creation battle the god of corruption for control over existence. The Twelve were able to obtain a small victory and managed to divide this god’s essence into two weaker beings trapped on the world. This is where the Cult of Corruption centers its beliefs.

Mythrenderis wrote in his Canticle of Revelation, “Two beings imprisoned upon the world, one far across the sea, and one among us.” He, of course, was referring to Ztunyr. Although now slain by Rhadymanthus and Revin, cultists seek to find the other half of their fallen god to usher in a new order. They do this in order to empower their god so that when he regains his former glory and takes over existence, they will become his lieutenants, much like the Burned Man had long been Ztunyr’s favorite in Valtiel.

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