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Mikom & Sethra

Mikom was a middle-aged man, tall and stalky, but nimble and well mannered. He was quiet and carried many scars on his body. Vidar's greying charcoal hair was long and pulled back behind his shoulders with short stubble. 


Sethra was much younger than he and was the diplomat of the group. Her hair was black and long. She was very athletic and well accustomed to the cold, harsh winters of Arerlundur. She had piercing green eyes that were always deep in thought and carried a certain sadness. 


About Mikom & Sethra

Mikom and Sethra, the only person who truly understood one was the other. They had been together for a long time, and they made a living hunting the supernatural. The two of them lived a nomadic life, travelling throughout lower Arerlundur seeking contracts. They weren't well off, in fact, they made just enough to survive. They both longed for something more and yearned to find a way to settle down and make a nice living. They never discussed it, but each of them assumed this dreamt life would include the other. 


At the start of The Fall of Kings, Mikom and Sethra are in the midst of a contract for the Onikan of Ildersted, hunting a terrible beast in the nearby woodlands. There they encounter something quite unexpected that portend a series of events that will change the course of history... and their places in it. 

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